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Known as the TikTok Birthday Lady, Kahn’s online series “Consensual Doxxing” earned her over 1 million followers in just 9 months. She uses social media profiles to expose the birthdays of users who challenge her, giving step-by-step insights to those confident their information can’t be found. Relatively new to content creation, Kahn is proud to work with the National Cybersecurity Alliance as a guest speaker on data privacy. Previously, she was Live Streaming & Community Manager for gaming titan SteelSeries, Character Performer for Walt Disney World, and Entertainment Host for Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines.

Tuesday, September 3rd

Wednesday, September 4th

Workshop: Creator Safety: Lessons From A "Consensual Doxxer"

Meet Kristen Sotakoun, the TikTok sensation who turned the art of consensual doxxing into a viral phenomenon. With 1 million followers and a knack for uncovering the hidden privacy pitfalls of social media, Kristen, also known as notkahnjunior, is here to share her unique journey and hard-earned insights. As creators, we often obsess over the content we post, but Kristen will emphasize what not to post and how an innocent birthday greeting on Instagram can be used against you. Discover how seemingly harmless breadcrumbs of information can become a security risk for content creators. This session is sponsored by DeleteMe.

3:30 PM

Workshop Room 2


Thursday, September 5th

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