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Lila is the biggest Dutch female creator active in the filmmaking niche and among the biggest in Europe. She has nearly 200.000 subscribers on her self-titled YouTube channel where she creates helpful and entertaining (Edutainment) content for creators all over the world. With her easy-to-understand tutorials and no non-nonsense gear reviews, she aims to inspire her viewers to tell their story through video format.As one of the few women in a male-dominated tech niche, she has successfully broken barriers and is continuously looking for more growth. One of her biggest strengths is her down-to-earth/relatable personality as a creator whilst showing an elevated lifestyle of a woman in tech.

Tuesday, September 3rd

Wednesday, September 4th

Thursday, September 5th

Accelerating Creative Video Workflows with AI

Join Kylee Pena, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Pro Editorial – Adobe to discuss how AI is revolutionizing the creative process by making unprecedented capabilities more accessible than ever. It seems like a brand-new tool or technique is making a splash for video creators every day! In the highly demanding world of content creation, how can you use these tools to accelerate your workflow and push creative boundaries? This panel will explore how creators are leveraging AI today, insights on ethical considerations, and where they see the tech heading in the future.

10:15 AM

Grand Ballroom 2

Kylee Peña, Lila, Will Carmack

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